Monday, July 18, 2011

Round 2

There are 2 possum "seasons" every year.  Most rehabbers get their first babies around April and the 2nd set in July.  I got my first babies for July Saturday and they are the smallest babies I've had so far.  There were 6 alive when I received them.  One passed away on the drive home and another shortly after getting home.  :-(  The remaining 4 have been hydrated and are on formula now.  They seem to be doing really well.  There are 3 boys and 1 little girl!  Thank you Brandy for saving these guys.  Without you, they surely would have died.

The colorful bedding was donated by Atoka Lawson.  Thank you Atoka!

Sleeping peacefully.  How sweet!

Their little eyes are still closed, but one little boy is starting to open his.

Can't help but love those little hands.

If you look closely, you can see that his eyes are peaking open just a little.  

Do you remember the tail biters that I got in a few weeks ago?  If you don't or if you missed that post, just look at my previous posts.  You can see that their tails were in pretty bad shape.  Now they are all healed up and 2 were large enough to be released.  We found a nice little creek in a secluded area to release them.  There are still 2 left from the group, but the others are still much smaller and not quite ready.  

Here are the little fellows before they were loaded into the carrier.

Tail looking much better.

Good luck!

Here are the others from the tail biting group and one that also came from Brandy!  They get to go into the big pen now!  Won't be long until they are ready to be released!

 Nope I didn't dress up for the pic!  Thanks Heath for getting this ever so flattering pic of me!

This was the one that had the very bad looking tail from the previous post.  All healed up now, but not much left.  We'll see how this guy does to be sure he will be able to go out into the REAL world.

That's all for now!  It won't be long before these guys are ready to be released.  There's still an "intermediate" group that will be moving to the pre-release cage when these leave.  I just love these guys!

Check out some of these cute toys from Amazon!  


1 comment:

  1. Your new babies are so tiny! I bet you are having so much fun with them :) The other group sure has grown a LOT since the last pictures. Thanks for giving us updates, I love looking at the pictures. God bless you! *HUGS*
