Monday, January 2, 2012


A phoenix is a mythical bird who lives for 1000 years then builds it's own funeral pyre and throws itself into the fire to rise from the ashes and be reborn.
What happens when a pig house catches on fire?  Sadly this is a very common reality.  Hundreds of pigs and piglets burn alive because the open houses burn so quickly and the smoke is able to rise.  My good friend, Susan, found herself standing in front of burning hog houses in the early hours of January 1, 2012.  She said that the pigs were screaming before one house was completely engulfed in flames.  There was nothing she could do for those, but when she looked into another house she saw 2 tiny babies were still alive.  All of the other pigs in the house had perished.  She bravely rushed into the house and grabbed the 2 babies just before that house was engulfed.  Susan said that the flames were so hot that the metal was melting.  She doesn't consider herself a hero, but she's the ONLY reason these 2 are still alive.  It's heartbreaking to imagine what all of the pigs who didn't make it went through. .
Susan kept the boy and I have taken the girl.  They are both so traumatized.  You can see the sadness in their eyes.  They were doomed and I have no doubt that they understood what was going to happen.

Her story could have been a much sadder one, but thanks to Susan's selfless act of heroism she was able to rise from the flames and be "reborn".  That's why Erin and I have decided to call her Phoenix.  :-)

To see more pictures and keep up with Phoenix's story, click HERE and please like our page!
If you would like to contribute to Phoenix's care, you may donate by clicking HERE.  Any donations beyond what will be required for her care will be used to help injured or orphaned wildlife and/or domestic animals!


  1. How sad. I'm so glad 2 of them could be saved.

  2. Thanks for reading Becky. We are very sad about all of the little lives lost.

  3. I am so thankful these two were saved, but pig houses are nowhere any pig should be at all, all people seeing all these piggies died in this fire need to know they were in the hog houses because of you. If you eat pork that is, they are unable to turn around and they are babies, once 6 months old they go to slaughter. I know I once lived somewhere where you could see and hear their screams as the trucks carted them off to make your sandwiches, please consider all lives are precious and choose a menu of foods without pigs. Thank you

  4. Thank you for your comment Wendy. I've been making the push to become vegetarian for a couple of years. I've been without red meat and almost all pork for 2 years. I'm ashamed to say that I haven't completely become vegetarian though I don't think I will be eating pork at all again. Now to make the final push to take our white meat. Ugh! I hate saying the word "meat".

  5. As sad as it is, and as horrible as it sounds those pigs died better than what they would have went through in the slaughter house they were destined to. Were talking dumb shits who torture and make fun of them, spray paint them in the nose and make fun of them, spray paint dead on the sides of their bodies when they are not even dead, follow skinning procedure and the the pig is still conscious. The two babes you guys have have seen and heard the horror from the other pigs, they are so lucky to have you. If you need any help with changing diet, me and I am sure Sherry is too, are here for you.

  6. I used to eat pork, before I became enlightened. Now just the thought of it makes me sick to my stomache.

  7. Bless you Susan and Phoenix's Mom!!! These two little ones will be the light of your lives soon enough. I pray for all those pigs that suffer their whole lives, for what, a morsel on a human's fork? The meat industry is cruel, not to mention what it is doing to the planet and human health. Thank you again for making the world of difference to these two little ones.
